So, one could say I'm new to this. I've tried to count calories and stuff before, but not seriously. Every time I try, I give up. This time, I am ready. It's time to get motivated!

I'm already doing pretty okay with exercise, sleep and stress. But now it's time to get my eating under control by cutting my portion sizes and eating clean! I just purchased a new, quart-size water bottle so I can keep track of how much water I'm drinking too.

Like I said, I do exercise right now. I follow Cassey's monthly calendar, plus I play quidditch three times a week so I am active. I'm thinking that I should incorporate more cardio though, so I might start running on the days that I don't have quidditch. Hopefully that doesn't add muscle weight though! We'll see.

I've always been an active person, but in the past year I've put on 25 pounds. Most of that didn't happen in college, and some of that is probably muscle, but going away to school definitely didn't help. I've been struggling with body image issues for a while (and they've gotten exponentially worse in the past year), and this is my chance to once and for all do something about it. My goal is to get healthy, not just lose weight. And even if I don't meet the goal, if I lean out at all I'll be okay with losing the thirty dollars. I'm really excited and nervous to be doing this, but I'm ready to try. 

I'm hoping that by making this public I'll be able to keep myself accountable. I'll do my best to help you all out when I get the chance, and all I ask is that you do the same for me! Let's do this.

