Fitness Gadget Reviews

146 members $62,303.59 won 160.5 lbs


11/04/2014 1:49PM
I really want a health tracker. I've been waiting for the new Fitbit to come out, but I'm not sure whether to buy the Fitbit Charge now or wait until early next year for the Fitbit Charge HR. Do you think the heart rate monitor is worth waiting for?
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I had the Garmin Vivofit which has a constant time showing with the heartrate monitor but since during the day at work I wear my regular watch I felt weird wearing both. I like the Fitbit charge because you can see the time when you want (like while working out when I am not wearing my watch) or not at all.


I'm glad you mentioned the FitBit Charge HR is coming out next year. I was all set to get the Charge but really wanted the HR monitor. I'll wait until next year. :) Right now I have the Polar HR monitor and Fit bit & Up ( I don't wear the Up much anymore). Way too much stuff to wear when working out. One device would be nice to wear instead of 3.