Nurse Life

97 members $23,041.68 won 697.5 lbs


03/03/2016 2:12PM
Hello all. I have been an RN for 10 years, but have worked in nursing for 13. I currently work in a combined ICU where I have been since 2008. Is anyone else here going after their MSN? Juggling the job, school, family, workouts, and healthy meals is quite a challenge. Sadly, my workouts always drop off first when things get crazy.

Susan S.

Hello Dayle! I have been an RN for over20 years and have been a PACU staff nurse for 15 years. I am currently working on my MSN and wish I had started it sooner!! I encourage anyone who is even considering an advanced degree to go for it! It is so different from undergrad nursing school and does a lot to reignite the excitement for our profession!