Paleo Diet

477 members $136,680.44 won 2,140.9 lbs


05/01/2016 9:01AM
Good Morning! Nice to find this group. I am doing Whole30 and loving it. It is absolutely amazing how sugar is in everything and I like how good I feel inside and out eating grass fed meats, healthy fats, fruits and veggies. I do have cravings for certain things like cheese but I have been at this for about one month now and find the cravings become less and less over time. Always looking for some great recipes; especially breakfast as I am a teacher and like things that are quick and can be transported to school to eat while I get ready for the day.


I liked hard boiled eggs when I did whole30. I tried to keep breakfast easy, so it was eggs and baggies of celery and carrots. On the weekends I would get fancy and make omelettes and such.


I do like hard boiled eggs with smoked salmon in the morning, or even leftovers from the night before. I think my favorite is spaghetti squash and homemade marinara sauce. Lots of recipes out there; you have to figure out which ones you will like the best!