Last Few Pounds

61 members $34,180.15 won 263.2 lbs

Nicole S.

08/26/2016 12:12PM
I chose this group because I've never technically been overweight, but it's been so long since I've been where I want to be. Struggling with alcohol addiction and recovery for over 20 years has a way of keeping that 'last ten pounds' on, not to mention encouraging a sedentary lifestyle. Sometimes I manage to string together several months to a year of sober time, but like many of you who are addicted to food, I always manage to go back to the bottle on either a part- or full-time basis. My greatest motivation to be sober has always been to have a body that I love with no problem picking out clothes or having the freedom to wear what I want. It is a very tangible benefit of sobriety. This is my first week of The Transformer challenge, and I have lost 3.7 lbs since Monday, and managed to stay sober for four out of five days. I naturally stick to 1200 calories or less a day, but let me tell you, whether your struggle is with food, substances, alcohol, etc., we are all in the same boat! Just trying to succeed on more days than we fail. I'm rooting for all of us to do just that!