Weight Loss for Runners

1,128 members $442,401.71 won 2,167.9 lbs


04/18/2018 5:58AM
I signed up for a 5K with co-workers in two weeks and i haven't ran in two months! its been so difficult to get started. any advice on how to get started? i have issues with my back too and gained so much weight and i feel sluggish and cant get inspired to get started!

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Have you heard of the Galloway method? You run in intervals. I currently use a 1 minute run and 30 second walk, but you can play with them and figure out what works best for you. It's a great way to rehabilitate yourself and get back in condition, and then run injury-free. Good luck and good for you for getting back out there!

Kimberly W.

I feel you, but I'm fighting to get back out there. I'm trying to find a way to maintain my weight by changing my lifestyle.