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08/11/2018 1:24PM
Are Maintainer games still available? I was very interested in joining one in September, once my Transformer games finish up, but I can't find any Maintainers listed in the available games.

Referee Kim likes this comment.

Referee Kim

Hi there, Due to low participation, we are phasing out our Maintainer games.

We certainly want to reintroduce a maintenance game in the future but we want to make sure it is as beneficial as possible to our players who have hit their goal weight and remained focus on maintaining that weight. We are trying to reevaluate what is most valuable and helpful for our players in their journey. We would love to hear your thoughts on what you find the most rewarding and helpful in a game or a tool for maintenance, so we can factor that into how this gets implemented in the future.

In the meantime, you may be interested in using the DietBet membership as an accountability tool. DietBet Membership gives you access to features that help make your game more fun and boost your odds of success. This includes:

Weekly Progress Weigh-ins that keep you motivated and enter you to win that week's Progress Prize. Progress Prizes are exciting prizes randomly given to DietBet Members who submitted a Progress Weigh-in during the previous week. The prizes vary from week to week and are meant to reward Members for holding themselves accountable with regular weigh-ins.

A guided goal-setting journal to help you track your progress

You can learn more here.

Please let us know if you have any more questions!