TruVision Health Transformations!

3 members $718.33 won 18.2 lbs


08/18/2015 9:14AM
This photo is of Me, my husband Duane and our daughter Kirsten taken in April 2015. We've all started the journey to healthier eating and lifestyle. I started the TruVision Health back in November and decided I just wasn't ready to give up the holiday goodies just yet. So I stopped taking them till February. I really love how the supplements have helped me to eat less and increased my energy levels. I have managed to lose 45lbs as of now. My daughter has lost 65lbs . My husband finally got on board for the exercise videos we do and has lost around 30lbs. He actually has been more faithful and does them AM and PM. We've chosen Leslie Sansone 3mile Super Challenge and it has really helped shed some weight.
This is my 3rd month of participating in the Diet Bet challenges. I am hooked. I freak out if I don't lose as quickly as I think I should, but it eventually decreases and I make the weigh-in. Money is a true motivator for me. I love the challenge it makes me try that much harder. Ive been doing some reading and hope to pick up some pointers to improve as we go along. Thanks for creating this community for Tru Vision, I feel it will increase as we spread the word to others. I forgot to mention I also use FitBit to track steps taken, water consumption and calorie intake.
Hoping to learn more and share more info on here in the future.
I'll post a more recent picture sometime soon. :)

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