100 Pound Count Down

2,673 members $899,437.34 won 28,117 lbs


02/11/2018 2:21PM
So my car broke down today (boo) fiance can drive me to work tomorrow but i would get there at 6 a.m. (i work at 8:30 a.m.) so he offered to drive me to a local Starbucks where I could read until another coworker picks me up. It was all planned and then i visualized my morning: drinking sugary calorie laden drinks and sweets for over two hours! nope not happening. I called my work, asked them to let me in the back entrance and my ass is just gonna work 2.5 extra hours. I am so proud of myself!

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Amy N.

Great job! I love a caramel frapp and a breakfast sandwich, but that is the stuff that got me to 100+ lbs overweight. Good for you for coming up with a way to prevent a setback!

Michelle M.

Wooohoooo!!!!! Great job!!