100 Pound Count Down

2,673 members $899,314.05 won 28,097.8 lbs

Carrie P.

02/16/2018 8:55PM
traveling for 10 days. we brought our scale with us,but it seems like depending on where we put it on the floor we get dramatically different weights so it's not helping. we're eating out a lot but trying to make better choices. tonight found a lower calorie meal at our restaurant and my kid ate at least 10 bites of it,so hey that has to help. must not be doing too badly bc i'm diabetic and keep having much lower blood sugars than normal.

anon-965f984c-f797-4393-92ad-67058fde137c@4c62f5ff-a08f-406c-8264-ea5b12e2d0a7.anon, Michelle M., JustJetsJourney and Amy N. like this comment.