Escaping From the Inner Fat Kid

21 members $1,014.15 won -46.9 lbs

Megha T.

03/07/2018 4:11PM
Hey I'm new to this community! I weigh almost 160 pounds, which is 30 above the normal weight for my height. I'm tired of feeling like I'm unsexy and restricted in the clothes I wear. I can't wait to get started here!

Nicole H.

03/25/2015 1:16AM
I hope I can make some friends here who can keep me accountable (along with normal friend stuff). I ultimately need to lose 100 lbs, but starting small.

K K.

01/16/2015 10:04PM
Hi, i joined this group because as kid no one told me to stop eating junk so i gained ALOT of weight. more than 130 kgs. I am 20 years old and NOT happy with how i look and how i feel. i will start changing my lifestyle + how i think starting today. Good luck to all! <3

Alice G.

01/01/2015 1:02AM
I'm really loving the name of this group. I'm hoping to begin the new year to do that very thing.
Keep up the encouragement!

Miranda M.

10/16/2014 12:07PM
Hey everyone! I know right now this is a small group, but spread the word! Get your friends to join! I really think this could be a great way to support each other and share our stories and keep each other motivated. Good luck in all of your games guys!

Miranda M.

10/02/2014 8:44AM
Hey all, this group was made for those of you who draw some of your motivation from the days of old when all that clouded your head were the words or bullies, judgmental family members, or concerned doctors. I myself was severely bullied for the way I looked as a child and got quite a mouthful from certain family members every time I saw them and to this day I still sometimes feel like I'm running, both literally and metaphorically, from that fat kid in my past. It hurt back then, and it still stings now, but I try to draw motivation from it and use it as a driving force to keep me moving towards my goals and I hope you can all do the same.