I cannot tell you how much I LOVE the Simply Filling option in Weight Watchers! I did this before the plan switched over but stuck with it and had consistent losses on the scale. I know the new program is getting us to not put focus on the number on the scale, but aside from losing weight, I was starting to FEEL better because IMO I was making better choices for my body.  After doing WW for almost over 15 years off and on, I've somehow learned how to work within my points, but hadn't necessarily changed my mindset about my relationship with food. There were moments along my journey where I took a break from WW (partly to save money, and maybe because once I stopped following the program and gained some of the weight back, thought that I had enough tools to just do it on my own. Boy, was I wrong! I mean, I know the premise for losing weight is pretty simple: burn more calories than you take in, but it is not as easy as it sounds.

When the plan changed (and I was much more active than the last time I rejoined), I started to think of food as fuel, and is food is fuel, then I started thinking of myself as a LUXURY car. Sure, I could get from point A to B by eating something for 3 points or 5 points, but I've also come to understand that all calories are not created equal. How my body processes certain foods is different.

the past couple of weeks have been hectic in terms of home and at work, and there were days when I was struggling to put me first (though I still took 30 minutes for me each day). But my eating had gotten back out of control. I am grateful that I was still getting activity in (otherwise, the weight gain could have been much worse!). So over the weekend, I thought about the moments on the program when I was feeling on top of the world (and it didn't mean I didn't have any stressors in my life).

I remembered how great I felt when I did Simply Filling, so yesterday, off the grocery store I went. I loaded up on the staples I needed, freggies of course, and lean proteins.  Majority of my day yesterday was spent cooking, but I felt like I got a lot accomplished just by having what I need on hand at home. Yesterday, I felt great and after eating a snack after dinner, I didn't find myself in the kitchen rummaging through the cupboards or reaching for stuff right before bedtime.

Tonight, I will make my mason jar salads for the week. But I'm going back to the basics (and it helps when everything is prepped).