At 57 I had decided that losing weight is impossible and that it was all due to age and hormones. I discovered DietBet through someone's post on FB one day and checked it out. It appealed to my competitive nature so I decided to give it a try. I combined it with My Fitness Pal with a goal of 1200 calories per day and started using my FitBit as well.

By monitoring my activities I discovered a few things:1) My portions are too big and I was consuming about 1800-2000 calories a day 2) I needed to cut cream out of my coffee because I was drinking an extra 300 calories a day 3) Even tho' I exercise fairly regularly I'm not walking enough on a daily basis - or in my case just sitting on my A$% for most of the day 4) I was eating out too much and need to make sure that, for the most part, my meals are at home.

I started my first DietBet in May and although I wasn't a winner I lost 4.8 pounds during the game which for me is awesome! I've just started my second game and have joined a StepBet game starting on June 27th which for me is the last part of the puzzle!