I have tried many weight loss strategies. Some have been more successful than others. I'm at a point now where I need to get a bit more serious. If I want to get down to my goal weight, I need to cut out more of the junk.

I was doing really well for a while, but bad choices were creeping into my daily food consumption. I would say I need to do something but would be lacking on the follow-through.

I have been feeling not-so-stellar these past few days, and I've linked it to my consumption of dairy. I know I do better off of it. But cheese. And chocolate!! So I would make a few exceptions. And those exceptions started to be the focus of my meals and snacks.

I know ultimately I want to lose at least another 10 lbs. Staying off of dairy helps reduce my cravings (and subsequent binges) which will keep me headed in the right direction.

Today, instead of snacking on some cookies, I made protein balls. And it feels good to be making choices that support my goals. 


P.S. Perfect timing too. My husband wanted to make pizza tonight. For me, pizza without cheese is like a bedframe and no mattress. Pointless. Instead, we are having souvlaki (vegetarian version for me). Yummy!