
I really started to get on track and ready to go with my food intake today, a day before the initial start of this thingy. :)

I made better choices. I halved a daily sugary item (secret...shhhhhh) that I've been snarking on in between pet visits for the last few weeks. I thought about liquid intake and made better choices...brewed iced tea unsweetened, drank a lot of water esp with the heat...really worked on making sure it went in throughout the day.

I also stopped at the store on the way home and bought fruit that I cut up and threw into the frig. Got light yogurt. Got frozen salmon and turkey.

I'm hoping all this will help me have good stuff to grab so that when I have a craving, I can shove something in that's fantastically in line with my goal.

And I did already have cravings today. I thought about and pictured myself stopping for things I craved. A lot of these things I don't even crave daily. But today...different story for some reason. I actually had to remind myself that I didn't really want to do that now. That was tough. My mind/body is gearing up for a shift already. So many moving parts.

It was 92 degrees and humid in Chicago today. So, ya for that. Lots o' good sweatin on the dog walks. :)