For the first month of this Diet Bet I have been following a Ketogenic/LCHF diet recommended by my doctor.  I hit goal in week 2 so I think that I have been fairly successful, however, I am thinking about conducting an experiement for month 2 to see what impact it has on my weight loss and measurements.  There has been much debate in the low carb community on whether or not it is more effective for weight loss to track total carbs or net carbs (carb count minus fiber and/or sugar alcohols).

For the last month I have followed my doctor's recommendation of 20g of carbs per day, but I have been tracking net carbs instead of total carbs.  This allowed for the occasional low carb treat (desserts made with Swerve for example).  I still lost, but I'm curious what impact tracking TOTAL v.s. NET would have on my weight loss.  So for month 2 I am going to track my total carb consumption and keep it at 20g carbs per day.  I would also like to start incorporating some exercise, which I have not done yet but I want to give my experiment a week at least to see what results I have without it.

For my fellow Keto/LCHF people out there, do you track total carbs or net carbs? And if you tracked one and then switched did you notice a big difference?