It's been about 10 weeks since I started Classpass.

This morning I looked at my calendar and looked through all the different classes I've attended during that time. On my first Circuit of Change class, I thought I would soon die of exhaustion. It was the toughest fitness class I've ever taken. Everything was so fast paced but the intense energy in the room was addicting. And the first day of Barry's Bootcamp, I remember not being able to keep up with the instructor while on the treadmill. I had to slowdown to a walk or decrease the incline a little bit so I could breath and stay alive. I remember the overweight girl who was working out next to me. She broke into tears after receiving a hearfelt encouragement from a total stranger. I'm sure she was feeling frustrated that she couldn't keep up. I could totally resonate with her and had to fight back tears. 

The past 10 weeks have flown by and I've lost over 15 pounds and grown much stronger. Now I can keep up with all the classes I attend. I can do over 20 regular push-ups and hold a plank for 60 seconds. These changes were gradual but definitely noticeable. I'm glad that I joined Classpass back in January. Life was kinda boring before but now there's so much variety. Planning which class to take feels like a fun game and visiting new places gives me excitement. 

Now I am really looking forward to the changes I'll go through in the next 10 weeks. Who knew having a healthy mind and body would be so exciting?!