Eleven and a half hours until we can start to weigh in and counting...

As this is my first Dietbet I am understandably nervous, anxious, and excited all at the same time. I am really hoping that by discovering this place I've added to my "toolbox of success". I have already promised myself that if this bet goes well, I will be signing up for another. I don't even have to win necessarily, as long as I lose some weight and keep it off I will be happy.

I have been overweight for all of my adult life and I'm to the point now where I am considered obese. That is such a scary word. I have tried fad diets and counting calories and both methods worked for a while, but I was a yo-yo and always ended up gaining everything back and then some.

It had been a while since my last attempt at losing weight and things were getting a bit out of control. Between December and the end of January I gained 10 pounds, and before then I was at a steady weight but certainly not a healthy one. It was time to make a change.

My mother bought me a year membership at the gym for my birthday and it's the best birthday gift anyone could have given me. My mother, boyfriend and best friend also joined and together we started the routine of working out.

It has become so ingrained now and I enjoy it so much that on the days we don't go, it feels strange.

I have also started to make healthier choices when it comes to my food. I still have the things I love but I control my portions, eat at regular times, and there is no more late night snacking. Also, water. You can never have enough water.  It's a whole lifestyle change, not a fad diet. It's why it's working and why it will continue to work.

Since the end of January I have lost 20 pounds and I plan to keep going. This Dietbet will be a good way to kick start my fitness and just bring things to a whole new level.

I can't wait to get started.