Disclaimer: Anything that I am mentioning in this post pertains to things that currently work for my lifestyle - I am in no way advocating that anyone makes the same changes or insinuating that any other way is better or worse.


So here we are! Dietbet ... 7 days to go until the big D day, or should I say W day - weigh day no less. Start to a new you! And me too :)

I'm excited about this, I think what this will do for me is give me a rev in the right direction to get back on track to where I used to be, and to where I want to be once again.

I've spent the past month working on me. Food in particular. Working out is easy - what I put into my mouth is not. We all have our struggles and our vices, each of us, that is why we are here We want to change, to put the self-sabotaging habits behind us and try something new and different or go back to a place where we knew what worked and know we can find it again.

My journey is that I have been working with a nutrionist. After being an obsessive calorie counter for years and a no fat freak I have finally thrown up my white flag and said: I need to learn how to be my definition of normal. Enjoying food and feeling happy with my relationship with it. It has been a twisting path for me but finally I have reached the place where I can continue to make better choices every day.

My focus on food is not any one plan in particular. Well my nutrionist has developed a plan for me, a roadmap of sorts - and I have started following it in earnest. This plan involves counting of macros and common-sense approach to portion control. There are also things completely excluded. Yet it includes healthy fats, whole foods, log burning fuel and the opportunity to be creative with real food. 

I'm excited to be on this journey and hope to get to know those of you who will be sharing at least the next month of it with me!