Unfortunately, I tend to be one of those people who has to make several mistakes in order to learn a lesson. I'd been doing well since my last blog post here, but I went back to the SAME restaurant last night that I was complaining about in my last post.

Again, I wasn't even hungry.

Again, I was accompanying my boyfriend.

And again, I made a poor food choice.

This time my choice was miles better than last time, since it was only a snack-sized appetizer and therefore less fat content overall, but it still gave me violent cramps afterward. Only time, some kundalini poses to aid digestion (which increased the pain at first, but then greatly alleviated it), and eventually lots of water and some peppermint tea helped ease the pain.

And today I'm up .2 of a pound. I know people say not to weight yourself daily, but I typically do, and I know my body's patterns well. This .2 is definitely related to the junk I ate at the restaurant. But I'm not concerned with the number on the scale; I'm more concerned with the pain I was in for hours afterward.

Dr. McDougall has an interesting article on gallbladder issues that I believe may explain my pain due to eating a high-fat meal after cutting back on fat for so many days. And of course the food was processed and to be honest it could have contained an animal product. I really have no idea. (It was some type of spicy veggie egg roll, but this was at a grill, not an Asian-style restaurant). I full regret eating that for so many reasons.

However, I'm really glad for the pain I had afterward (and even the slight weight gain, though it may not be a "true" gain, but rather retention due to all the salt and toxins). The pain, just like the acne and rashes I get if I eat high-fat, just remind me to stick to this plant-based diet. I won't even go into the ethical side of veganism, but I did write an exhaustive post about that on my MyFitnessPal blog, which I keep up with more often and more thoroughly.

I guess I'm the type who always needs a severe wakeup call, and this was the final one I'll need for a long time to come. Even one "small" cheat meal is a big setback for me, and I must view it as such.