Day four and I'm feeling good today. 

I've been sticking to a strict vegan diet, no cheese which is my weakness. 

Yesterday I got home and pizza was waiting, NOOOOOO!! Pizza is my kryptonite, I was proud of myself, I didn’t have a bite. I prepared a quick healthy dinner of Kale, cooked quinoa i had in the fridge and i cut up some tomatoes sautéed with olive oil and enjoyed.

I worked out once this week, I need to stay focused but I have intentions to get a few more workout sessions in this week. I've been using the stairs at work. I learned that the MyFitnessPal app also counts my steps. AWESOME!!! That keeps me so motivated and helps me track my calories.

I was planning on weighing in Sunday, but I felt like I was working really hard these past days, and I wanted to see if there was any progress, I stepped on the scale and to my surprise I lost. 1.2 lbs.. SUCCESSS!!!!  


So stay strong! WE CAN DO THIS!!!! One day at a time.