So here I go... starting yet again. Staring at a picture of myself only 4 years prior at my goal weight. What had happened? Actually a lot. Working full time, going to school, a bad break-up, taking care of my sick mother, losing my mother to her sickness.... My emotional turmoil and busy schedule lead only to a constant yo-yo weight and always promising myself I would start being healthy "tomorrow". 

I've learned through this time it takes a lot of courage to be healthy. To not find comfort in foods that hurt your body, to go for the salad instead of the bacon wrapped grilled cheese, to not define food with the ability to have a good time. Why is it that when we go on vacation we instantly gorge ourselves with food thinking, "when will I have the chance to eat this again"? "Or I spent so much money on this trip, I might as well enjoy it." Yet we come back hating our bodies and wondering what we've done. That actually seems to be the opposite of what we were hoping for, doesn't it?

What if we found joy in pushing our bodies to be stronger, taking that hike and looking forward to seeing views we may never see again? I leave for Europe on Friday and I purposefully started my DietBet beforehand to keep myself accountable. Sadly, yes I do need your support and deadlines to keep myself on track. I am not yet brave enough to let that gelato pass without feeling like it is a missed opportunity. 

I decied to blog during this experience for two reasons. First to better understand myself and why I make the unhealthy decisions I do. Second, I am doing it for support. Perhaps someone is going through the same struggles I am and when I write that I can't get the motivation to get out of bed early and workout, they will write, "yes you can!"

So I will conclude this by saying I am fully supportive of all of you that are on this journey together and I will encourage you in any way possible. To answer my original question, yes! we are brave enough to do this. We are not dieting, we are making a lifestyle shift. To be healthy, happy, and see what our bodies are capable of!

Cheers to us and let the journey begin! :)