There I have officially posted! Now all I need to do is follow up..

45 lbs to loose ...Today I will exercise for 45 minutes (I'm a couch potato) and eat healthier.

I quit my job April 2015 so that I could follow my passion, work @ something what I truly loved doing! My journey towards that goal has started. Hopefully, In 2016 I will see this thru!

2nd Goal - Loose weight! This has been an ongoing issue. I'm a couch potato and know all the things I've been doing wrong and gaining weight :( - No excuses

But I have always needed a big and challenging goal to drive me. I've completed 3 half Marathons in an effort to be more fit. BUT marathon over = exercise over :(

So here I pledge to myself again - CONSISTENCY in bother exercise and diet! No extremes, just slow and steady!. By DEC 2016 - I need to loose my 45 lbs! PROMISE!