I started the day with an Oh Yeah shake -  they have so much protein, but not enogh fiber.  I added fiber to get it up to 6g.   The special K ones are good, but 10g versus 30 g of protein is a big difference.  Spec K shakes have 5 versus 3 g of fiber though.  One benefiber pack gets oh yeah  to 6 g.   I had a 10g protein/5 gram fiber bar around noon and ate a late lunch of a subway chopped salad.   Dinner consisted of some new high fiber bread I found, with 4 grams per 40 calorie slice, along with some chicken salad- which was my Bad for the day.  It was delicious though.  I also had a cup and a half of skinny popcorn with it.   So.... my point, I was still short fiber.  I had to take in my fiber supplement for another 4 grams to get me over the 25 g minimum.  I do have 400 calories left for today, so I may end up with a fiber one snack and get another 5 grams.  Also thinking about some vanilla greek yogurt to get some calcium.  I will take a calcium suplement.  I also managed to push the water today, so that went well again.  

Reflecting back on my weekend,  I feel like I did pretty well, a couple beers max at any social event.  Problem was we had 4-5 social events over the weekend.    I also got no excercise today since I worked almost 12 hours.   It is difficult to work out and work all day.  Tomorrow is more of the same.  Wednesday and Thursday I should get a walk or swim in.   My point, my net gain over the weekend was 1.8 lb.  I had dropped on Friday, and now I am back up.  I hope some of that was just water retention and tomorrow will rebound a little.  

I also am a little disappointed today because I thought this would be a good support site when I signed up for it.  However, I am finding the conversations in the communities to be pretty minimal, so I guess I will see about using another site.  

I also am hopeful that I will stick with this eating plan a little longer this time than my norm.  Due to health concerns and a fear of ending up back in the hospital, I am pretty sure I will stick with my high fiber diet.  I just hope I can stick with the entire plan.    I know long term this will help keep me from developing diabetes cardiovascular issues etc as well.  For my kids, grandkids, and husband.