I gained 30 lbs in 3 months a little more than a year ago and have been having trouble losing it. If I could gain the weight so fast, why can't I lose it just as quickly? I joined Dietbet because I like challenges. I thought for sure that I would win. I only needed to lose 4% of my weight, just barely over 7lbs. But, I did not succeed. I was about to lose around 5lbs which was not enough to win. Not only that, but I gained back all the weight I lost since that challenged ended.

I have done different things to help me lose the weight. I gave up chocolate chip cookies, donuts, ice cream and McD's for good. I also purchased a Fitbit which I have been using religiously to help motivate my movement. It also accurately tracks my weight, so that I cannot lie to myself. But, the reality is, that I need to do much more because I am not getting any lighter.

I'm starting off this challenge with the idea that I am going to win this time. This blog will detail my journey.
