Day 21 - One week to go & feeling a bit nervous...

Inside my head I hear that old "friend" telling me that somehow, someway, all the work I've put into this is going to be for nothing – that all of a sudden I will gain it all back or find out that my scale was really broken & I haven’t achieved anything...well, I’m here to tell that “friend” to take a hike…I don’t need her anymore -- I'm telling that "voice" to PISS OFF!!

I am NOT the same person I was 21 days ago...I'm not sure if someone can change in that short of a time, but I sure as hell have.  I have taken a leap, worked my ass off, eaten right & have been rewarded in so many ways other than losing weight...

The new Jody refuses to be lead or dictated by fear.  I am not the strongest person, I am surely not the fittest person, but I am so far better off than I was 21 days ago both physically & for all this life changing, I have already won.  I now know what I've heard for years to be true...if you work at it & have positive attitude, it will happen...for this, I have already won my Dietbet challenge...the rest is gravy (so-to-speak...LOL)...

Now, this doesn't mean that I won’t bust my behind this last week to continue the push...I WILL because I CAN and I WANT to...I am now addicted to feeling great & love the reward of euphoria when I have completed a task or pushed myself a little further...and they are my goals…I push myself for me, nobody else…I don’t compare others, I just admire & strive to one day perhaps achieve at their level…

Thanks Dietbetter family for being part of my change & helping me along this journey...I hope that everyone can experience the bliss that I feel no matter what level you’re at...

LAUGH, LOVE & SMILE...the rest will take care of itself...BE KIND to YOURSELF & OTHERS!



Let's make this week extra awesome...I know you all can do it...You have all amazed me already with your long runs & many steps, jogs, walks, stair climbing, treadmill workouts & elliptical...

Oh - speaking of elliptical...I will be attempting this machine for the first time tonight...wish me luck...I may only get a few minutes but it will be a few minutes I didn't give before, right?