Final Day - and the winner is...

Well, it’s done!  I submitted my final weigh-in this morning… 

I am quite proud of myself & regardless of how the results shape up, I am declaring myself a should each of you! 

Anyone that is on here is a winner in my books.  It takes guts, courage, dedication & devotion to want to make a change & then actually do doesn't matter if you are a beginner to both diets & fitness or whether you're a seasoned vet that has been training for years...we are all here & share a common goal & that is to better ourselves...

I cannot begin to explain the fun I have had in doing this...jumping in & allowing myself to be worth it...I have lost around 12lbs in total but it’s the self-confidence, esteem & worth that I have gained & that I will treasure going forward...that cannot be taken away, I can merely add to it & with each push, it gets stronger...

Keep striving to your goal - whatever it may is NEVER may hit a road block, but remember that’s all it is...keep your head clear, your heart happy & your focus set...let nothing, especially excuses or outside influences affect your progress...let go of barriers & just do it.  Do it for yourself - no one else...drink the Kool-Aid because trust me, a once excuse ridden, scared woman who went far too many years hiding that it is worth it!

Seek support as well. Don’t be ashamed or afraid – we are all or have been in the same situation & can relate (if people say they haven’t – they lie & you wouldn’t want their support anyways)…without the support & love from all of you on this game, I know I wouldn’t have been as successful…thanks

Don't be a stranger & I hope to run into you again on a different game...

LAUGH, LOVE & SMILE...ALWAYS!  The rest will take care of itself...BE KIND to YOURSELF & OTHERS...ALWAYS!!



**This was my first game & like many of you, I’m addicted. I have signed up for another. I didn’t know what to expect & I was totally thrilled with the experience. A total positive environment which breeds positivity & that can one do one thing**