Day 32 – Is this a rut?

So yesterday I was talking with a few coworkers about my "journey"... I have humbled myself to telling them about what I am doing & asking for their help, support & guidance.  They know about my progress, my struggles & my accomplishments thus far (32 days)...

After I completed my best ever push of my 9km walk/run...they suggested I take a break...that my muscles needed to rest...first, I'm glad they told me this because having no clue, I would have just kept going. 

I felt very guilty not doing anything last night & I kinda cheated and did some arm curls with a bar bell I found of my sons that was 15 lbs.  EEKK - Sadly, I could only do 10 reps of each arm & then 10 holding it straight up & down my front...I was feeling the burn...these flabby arms were screamin’....I guess that's an area I need to work on (AMONG ALL OHTERS....on this glorious old bod of

In my first attempt to get my shit together, which was the last DietBet that just ended & my first ever, I managed to make my goal of the game & lose 12 lbs. & make a few bucks too; however, now that I did that immediate drop, I am really scared/nervous/frightened & anxious about the weeks ahead.  I fear that I will hit a rut & get totally discouraged.  I am trying to keep my head in a positive spot but it’s hard.  I have not had any cheat days, I have been perfect in everything but it’s hard sometimes to fight the negative thoughts that consume your brain...

I will continue to push myself & stay focused...if anyone that reads this has ANY advice or help for me -- bring it on...I am in your veteran hands & I welcome all & any help I can get...

Thanks again DietBet family for allowing me to vent...

LAUGH, LOVE & SMILE...the rest will take care of itself...BE KIND to YOURSELF & OTHERS!!
