Okay, so this may seem a little crazy, but does anyone get tired of hearing how great they look after losing weight?  I'm trying to figure out what's going on with myself. Over the past few years I've lost a lot of weight.  A total of about 60 pounds, actually.  Any time I go to a party or see old friends and family, people comment on my appearance.  "You look fantastic,"  I heard tonight.  Of course, I appreciate the compliments, but I have a hard time just smiling and saying, "Thank you."  I always reply with some self deprecating comment: "Thanks, but I'm still a long way from my goal," or something like that.   Why does this bother me so much?  Is it low self esteem? I just cannot accept a compliment?  I think part of it is this little voice that says, "Did I look so bad before?"  And also a resistence I feel to a person's worth being determined by their appearance and especially their weight.  If I put the weight back on will I cease to be beautiful?  Am I the only person who has experienced this?  I need to get it figured out, though, because I think it's interfering with my commitment level to lose the last 20 pounds I have.  Can anyone relate?