Everyday I wake up with a clean slate, a fresh face and a world of possibilities.  I am never perfect, and will always reach for my impossible dreams no matter how far fetched they may seem.  I love whole heartedly and will always lend a helping hand when needed.  Weight is just a number, a suggestion, that doesn't rule your life nor should it control you.  What it should be used for is a guide, am I on tract? Food fuels your body, you wouldn't want to put a bunch sugar in your car's tank when it requires gas.  Same goes for your body.  I have to remind myself of this everyday: my body is my temple and what I put into it determines how much I get out of it.  I love myself and today I will be successful in achieving everything I set out to do.  Today I will do something I have never done before as little as it may seem.  It could be anything from listening to a new song to bungee jumping.  I commit myself to living my life and loving it.