There are so many things that we want in this world; more money, weigh less, have a tight body, cleaner house, higher education, less stress, marriage, children, the list goes on and on. What the important thing to remember is that you need to be able to set yourself goals and make them achievable. Each day you work a little more toward you're goal and one day you'll be there. There are going to be time when life hits and it makes it harder to obtain a goal, but you have to be able to hit back. Keep on swinging and don't let life knock you down. I'm not very old but I've been through so many fights with life it's crazy. I've been homeless, I've been a teenage mother, I've been over weight, I've been divorced, and I've wanted to quit. But everytime I take a look at how hard life can hit I see something amazing that makes it all worth it and I want to get up and keep on hitting back. If you follow me you know that I've been overweight the majority of my adult life, but lost a lot of weight after my 3rd child and put it all right back on after my 4th so now I'm on this weight loss journey again. I don't really have a goal for my weight the goals I set are more for my fitness level which will inevitably help me with weight loss. One of my more recent fitness goals was to make 20 power jumps when I made this goal I was barely able to get in 10 power jumps (video here: and today I met that goal, but not only did I meet it I met it after doing the Max Plyo Interveral with Shaun T (video here: So the moral of my story is to now let life knock you down just keep on swinging and you'll meet those goals.