Day 70 - Marvelous Monday may motivate me to make my friends smile!

I can’t control anything in my life but my own choices…today I choose to (hopefully) put a smile on the faces of everyone who reads this…that smile may then transfer to someone else through their interactions…this may or may not create a positive, uplifting ripple effect…but in my mind sure worth the effort...

If I have even one person that smiles after reading this, this will make my day & be worth every effort…our world has too much sorrow, too much pain & too much unhappiness & unkindness. I will not be apart of it. I am all about human interactions & positivity…

I want to pay-it-forward to all of us here in our DietBet village & I will give shout outs to all of you for doing great & doing this for me...being humble, being kind, supportive, decent people who make others feel good about themselves, lifting spirits, saying encouraging words...all round positivity...and in some instances not even ever really knowing someone...we do this because kindness is free.  It only takes a second to be kind but the reward is forever...

Have a Marvelous Monday everyone!

LAUGH, LOVE & SMILE...the rest will take care of itself...BE KIND to YOURSELF & OTHERS!!
