Have you ever felt trapped in your on body? Maybe you , like me feel like the person you see in the mirror isn't the person you are on the inside. In my teenage years, I was very outgoing and athletic . I was healthy and relatively thin. I had my first daughter and everything I knew about my body changed. Don't get me wrong, I was happy with my beautiful baby girl, but my body had changed so much it almost felt forgeign . My focus became about my family and I  began to forget about taking care of myself. (Anyone else feeling this story is their own) Before to much longer I had relatives saying things like "remember when you were such a  thin sweet little thing" (they were always older and we live in the south) . So I looked in the mirror and wiped my tears( their were quite a few) and decided to do something about it. And I did and lost down to a weight I felt confident at . The relatives cooed and told me that "I'm so glad you lost weight , we didn't want to tell  darlin' but you were kinda fat" . I felt so happy and vowed to never get that big every again. S-I-X years  later here I am again in a body that doesn't resemble me. I had let life take over and I forgotten to take care of myself and was SO much larger  then before . Crazy thing is I didn't notice the weight at first , but when went out on vacation and my seat belt would lock up if I moved ( it was pulled so far out to go over my stomach) . That was the moment I thought girl what have you done to yourself .  It's time to "put my big  girl panties" on ( no pun intended .... Well maybe a little bit of a pun intended) and get healthy . It's time I started caring for myself and kicking butt ( my own) and making good choices and become a better role model for my family. So here I am , and I'm all in for this change in my life. I know this is long. It's just I want other people know that they shouldn't feel alone in this fight for new healthier , selves. Just know if you need support ,we are here . We are all in.  And we are all in for you too!