Day 72 – WOW Wednesday!

Truth be told I’ve been a little frustrated lately…BUT because I am a firm believer that your mind controls more than you know…I remain positive…not only for myself but for our community here!

I have been battling that old bitch called “The scale”…LOL She just wouldn’t budge…I hadn’t changed anything, I was plugging away exercising like a crazy lady, eating properly like a boring person, getting enough sleep like a baby but she gave me nothing! Nada, zero, nip, goose egg…and she almost had me discouraged…then by the grace of my tender tootsies, today she rewarded me…er, I should say…I was rewarded…because that bitch doesn’t control me…she is metal, I am human…she only gives a # & that’s all it is…it’s not a reflection of my hard work, my lifestyle change, my attitude, me!  Isn't it funny how a piece of metal can instantly make you happy as can be or sad as can be...stupid if ya ask me!

It'ss hard not to be frustrated but let’s try to look at the bigger (no pun intended…LOL)…I crack myself up…picture here. We are making lifestyle changes & a scale shouldn’t dictate our happiness or determine whether we are succeeding. We are winning because we are here making it happen. If it doesn’t – keep plugging away, it will…It’s making us healthier, which makes us happier, which improves our lifestyles…

So – the whole point of these ramblings is NEVER, EVER, EVER give up…be patient…I know it’s easy to say but I am right in the fight with ya. Just remember – to give up is easy… stay the course is hard but the reward is SOOOO worth it…We can do this…if needed, ask for help, I have & it comes without judgement just folks helping others because we have a common goal. 

Thanks to everyone that has picked up my spirits & reminded me that it’s worth it…and for showing me it can be done. All the successes I have heard & read only drive me harder. THAT’S the club I want to join…

Have a great Wednesday…make it wild, wacky, wonderful, wishful, weightless…just want it!

LAUGH, LOVE & SMILE…the rest will take care of itself…BE KIND to YOURSELF & OTHERS!!!
