I am feeling super energized and motivated to continue on this weight loss journey!  I am already seeing positive differences, gradual changes in overall weight as the numbers on the scale slowly drop and also, significant changes in how my body looks and feels (I can already see a noticeable difference in inches around my waist).  I started the Nutrisystem program today and am finishing up the last of the 30 day challenges from my 2015 New Years' Resolutions.  I am working on the Squats and Abs challenges.  I have now lost a total of 2.6 lbs. :)

I have also begun to consider the idea of intermittent fasting, which I had discussed with my clinical supervisor last week (we are always chatting about healthy lifestyle practices).  The idea behind intermittent fasting is that your body operates on a specific metabolic schedule and requires a break from eating/metabolizing calories during the day or night.  So, this practice encourages eating within a specific block of time each day and only drinking water or eating 0-calorie food options outside of that block of time.  Most people start on the 8 hour schedule - eating within an 8 hour block of time each day.  Based on my busy lifestyle, I am going to work on eating between 12 PM and 8 PM.  This idea is great news for those of us who struggle with eating breakfast first thing in the morning!  

I am hoping to begin working on the C25K program soon, but wanted to wrap up some of my 30 Day Challenges first.  So excited about the big steps I am taking for a positive future. :)

Here's a picture of me from Thanksgiving to keep me motivated!!!