D-Burn Day 5 - Looking forward to a 90 minute Hot Stone Massage to "help activate and liquify" the stubborn fat "for removal by my digestive system".  I have laid the groundwork the past 4 days by following the eating plan, exercising each of the past 4 days, including success boosters of Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar (2 days), Aloe Vera in my smoothies (3 days), Bubbi's Saurkraut, a neem/coconut oil belly rub, a clove/coconut belly rub, 2 wheatgrass shots, fennel soup enhancer - so this is my last ditch effort. Can't wait to step on the scale and measure tomorrow!

Today's lunch is leftover Lentil Chili.  I am going to blitz it in my Vitamix so it is even more easily digestable before my massage.

I think I will have another serving of Bubbi's Saurkraut with my afternoon veggie soup snack.

Dinner tonight is an abundant veggie stirfry with pine nuts.