Well, I sure was glad Christmas is over and my weight remained flat.

Alas, I had a company dinner on Monday and then a friend visit involving some eating and drinking - and I promptly gained nearly 2kgs back. I guess that's mostly water and glycogen weight, but water weight or not, I have 2 upcoming weigh-ins and I am not convinced I will make both targets. I am annoyed at myself, I should have known better. The whole point of those dietbets is to keep one constantly aware that there is not much room for error, that losing 4% over 4 weeks is difficult. I dropped the ball and it looks like it's going to cost me. Well, lesson learned, no more drinking and company dinners for me in the forseable future. 

I need to keep this weight for the next two days to win my first dietbet. 

I need to lose 2kgs over the next 9 days to win the second kickstarter.

And I need to lose a whopping 4.3kgs over the next 14 days to win my third kickstarter. For this one the weight in happened when my weight unexpectedly dropped - so I am basically back to square one with just two weeks to go. Does not look good. I am on DEFCON2 now, with low-carb diet and increased exercise regime but knowing my body, I don't think this will work for long. Or at all. My only hope is the weight imbalance was in the range of 2kgs, that would leave me a fighting chance to burn through the remaining 2.3kg of fat by mid Jan. 

On the upside, I am just starting a transformer and the weigh in happened when my weight bounced back, so this will make that bet a little bit easier. 

Again, best of luck to all of you, I am sure I am not the only one struggling. The race is long.