Phase 2 - Unlock Fat Stores

Two low carb no added fat days.  I will have 5 servings of protein and at least 6 cups of phase appropriate low glycemic vegetables throughout my 5 eating "opportunities".  Starting the day with lemon juice water and a nice cup of detox tea with ginger.  In order to better process all this protein I will have lemon or apple cider vinegar water 30 minutes before each meal.

  • Breakfast:  Sirloin Steak and salad and Chlorella
  • Snack 1:  Egg Whites with Mustard
  • Lunch:  Strip Steak (veggie to be determined by trip to grocery store since I can not eat the carrots, sweet potato or spaghetti squash I have on hand))
  • Snack 2:  Egg whites with horseradish
  • Dinner:  Chicken stir fry with tbd veggies

For myself and boosters:

  • Milk Thistle Tincture
  • Dandelion Tea
  • Chlorella
  • Wheat Grass Juice
  • Collagen