Losing weight can be really hard especially with Holidays and a busy, stressful lifestyle.  I tend to stay up late at night which means I am tempted to snack.  Plus all the commericials on TV make it hard to resist running to the refrigerator.  I find when I am on a deadline and working hard that I want a quick snack to ease the tension.  Understanding and knowing your triggers is half the battle!  Once you know when you are going to be tempted, take steps to keep yourself on track.  I am currently packing all snacks and meals in the morning, so when those times come up, I can easily reach for a health snack, such as a 100 calorie pack of almonds or a piece of fruit.  Another thing is that I am a chocoholic so I keep a sugar free candy around for those days when I just can't take the temptation.  Most of the time it just stays in my desk drawer but when everyone is slicing a cake around me in the office, I am able to nibble on my sugar free chocolate candy and not feel guilty or tempted.  What are your diet temptations and what helps you overcome them?