This is my journey and I welcome anyone who wants to come with. I have done numerous other diets and plans, etc. I am successful and then some emotional upheaval sends me back the other way. I am an emotional eater and I don't know where it comes from. 

I have always battled my weight. I know at this point in my life that I do not have many years left if I don't truly do something about it. I am tired of not being "invited" because I don't fit the description of a friend. I'm tired of my family making me feel like I'm not good enough the way I am. In fact, they are doing the same thing to my niece. I am waging this battle for me and for her. I think if I move and do something positive with regard to my weight, then she will as well.

I believe we should accept everyone. Today, I want to be accepted as someone who will succeed. I may need some help but I will succeed. I would love to have company and support along the way so please feel free to join me if you'd like.

Today is truly the first day of the rest of my life!!