I'm super excited for my first diet bet!  My main reason for this is to jumpstart the loss of my baby weight.  I'm so tired and frustrated with complaining how I constantly feel all the time, which is tired, depressed and my body physically hurts.  I've never had back issues like I do now.  Most of all, I just want to feel better.  Feel good!  I deserve this and I owe it to myself.  I've done it before, granted without having a toddler to focus on but I need to get my happy back.  I'm ready to focus on me again.  I'm looking forward to the accountability and the end result which will include me being proud of myself again.  Having a baby is such a crazy thing.  I'm so proud of her and in awe of her with all that she does.  I stare at her with complete love.  I need to get that back with myself tho.  I hold my head down.  I'm sick of wearing the same fat clothes.  I'm sick of judging myself.  I'm sick of having a great day and having it ruined by catching a glimpse in the mirror and hating what I see.  There is so much more to me than this, however, I've allowed this to consume my life and eat me up.  I'm tired of taking pics of me and my baby and love the moment captured but hate the way my chunky face looks.  The words I tell myself are horrible.  Shame on me.  I owe this to myself to be the best me!  I owe it to my family.  Let the journey begin!!!