I think that it's worth noting that changing your lifestyle and making better, healthier choices isn't always easy and doesn't always feel good. Some people go through withdrawal-like symptoms when they stop eating junk food. Headaches, nausea, fatigue, etc can really make you want to give up, or at least give in and eat that cookie or drink that soda to feel better. Sometimes the healthy food you're eating may seem like it's throwing your body out of whack, or upsetting your tummy. All of these things can be discouraging, but don't give up! You owe a healthy lifestyle to your body! Push through the icky days and move forward into feeling the best you have in a long time! Sometimes I force myself to eat veggies that I don't really care for just because I know I need the nutrients, and then afterwards I feel a little queasy. I'd rather feel queasy from a broccoli slaw salad than from eating three slices of greasy pizza, just sayin'... The point of this blog is to encourage everyone to keep on the right track and not give up or give in, even when your body is giving you reasons that you could use to justify it... You'll be so proud of yourself in the end. The icky feelings will go away, promise. If they don't, review your diet- maybe you aren't getting enough calories or you have an allergy that you are unaware of.