Like most people, I have been overweight most of my life. I have always been really active and I love to play softball, rock climb, and ride dirt bikes. My weight is on my mind constantly. Although I really don't know how much it limits me, I am sure it does. I know the one thing it does limit me in is my confidence.


I have used food as a social stable for a long time. When my friends want to hang out, it is always where do you want to go eat. My boyfriend and I always know going out to eat is part of date night. I cook at home throughout the week but its hard to eat healthy when your significant other doesnt have weight issues and doesnt have to eat healthy.


Luckily my boyfiend is really supportive. About  a year ago I was diagnosed with an Anxiety Disorder and was put on Lexapro. I loved being on Lexapro because I didnt have a care in the world EXCEPT... I was gaining weight.. and a lot of it.  I decided it was not worth the depression I was feeling about my weight so I came off the medication cold turkey (against Doctors orders). So now I am trying to rebound from that weight gain and keep my emotional and mental state in check.


About 4 months ago, I started going to crossfit everyday. I really loved it. I was eating Paleo and lost 10lbs in about 2 months. Unfortunatley, I begin to travel out of state for work about 2 weeks out of each month. This made it extremely difficult to continue my routine. Although I COULD HAVE. I just chose to use this as another excuse, but NO MORE. I am done with being unhealthy, having no energy, no confidence, and living my life basing everything around my weight.

So this time, is my time and I am going to stick with this plan. I am going to lose this weight and I am going  to find my happiness and pound at a time.


It is sad and refressing to see people who have the same struggle as myself. I am going to continue to blog everyday of this challenge. Even if it is to vent or say hello.


Here goes Everything!