Okay, here goes. I have had it up to the gills with saying I want to lose weight, starting a plan, and then failing to stick to it. I almost fell through the floor when I read the scale today and I am embarrassed and ashamed. To think that a few years ago (okay 10 years ago) I weighed 125 and now I am 195. I vow to change my eating habits because dieting results are not permanent and I want long lasting results. Not to mention that being overweight makes me feel unattractive and zaps me of my self-confidence. Having broken my toe, I will have to devise a different plan of action as far as exercise goes, but I will do something everyday in the form of exercise until that toe is healed. I will eat smaller portions, cut out fats and sugars, and drink 64 oz of water each day. That is my start. I am posting my "now" picture to help remind me of my goal.