Wo! I knew that I would now, I feeeellll goood.

So chicken and tuna are my bestfriends. Today I made a tuna salad with black beans, diced tomatoes, green peppers, onions, and light mayo (I wish I bought the full fat or olive oil one b/c I'm trying to steer clear of all additives). And I mixed it with some spinach leaves. My god, so tasty.

I have had so much energy. I can't remember the last time I got everything crossed off my checklist, danced around my apartment, and still had time to take care of myself. 

I got my new Future Mrs. Tessier shirt yesterday and I am obsessed with it. It's a size x-small and insanely tight but I feel super hot and confident in it. I can't believe I'm 156 lbs! I surpased my goal by a landslide these past 4 weeks! Every time I walk by a mirror and see how much smaller I am, I immediately start dancing. I can't help myself. I'm on a happy high. Tomorrow is weigh in day! Woo!!!