I just finished my 2nd dietbet EVER and won!  Truth be told, I "won" by the end of week 2 so the hard part was keeping it off for the last two weeks. Not going to lie, it was easier to lose it than keep it off.  This led me to sign up for another dietbet when I did my final weigh out because I obviously can't be trusted in the kitchen unless there is money on the line.  

So with a new weigh in confirmed I decided to find a fitness class.  I tried doing YouTube videos in my bedroom but my  2 year old consided my yoga to be wrestling practice.  I HAD to get out of the house to make it work.  The committment of a gym membership was more than I wanted so I was stoked to find a beginners pole dancing class really close to my house.  Mind you, I'm a 38 year old mother of 3 (the youngest just 17 weeks old) and have no business doing any exercise that requires both feet to be off the ground at the same time but I called anyway.  The instructor was really friendly and assured me that the other two girls signed up had no experience so I would be fine.

So class day rolls around and I'm struggling to even find a pair of shorts and there is no way I'm wearing the recommended tanktop, nursing boobs and tanks are a combination I'm not comfortable with. I get to class and there stand a couple of twenty year old girls in spandex, eye liner, and lipgloss.  I had spit up on my shirt and bags under my eyes.  I almost left but they had already seen me and gave me the "is she serious look".  No way was I going to back down from a couple of college kids.

An hour later I had bruises up and down both legs and my arms felt like jello but I kicked ass.  

Moral of the story?? My comfort zone was holding me back.  I'll never be a dancer (of any kind) but I don't have to hide in my bedroom.  We never know what we are capable of until we try.