I BROKE A 20 MINUTE MILE! I really was at 16 minutes, but a car came and I had to duck into the woods before they saw me running.

When I got home I googled "shortness of lung wheeze exercise" I apparently have shortness of lung, because there is no way in hell I have exercise induced asthma. Must learn to breathe through nose, instead great horse bellows and snotting while galloping at breakneck pace of sixteen minute mile. SHORTNESS OF LUNG.

I also saw two wild turkeys.




I read this artile on Zen Habits about how to begin a new habit. I'm trying to introduce exercise in a lasting manner. Basically, you have to do it every day no matter what. So. I'm running every day. I know, rest days. But trust, my running earns no rest days. Think of it as a brisk walk that I'm calling running.