This was the first really rough week of my journey, this time around. The first two weeks my resolve was strong, the scale went down, and it all felt easy! The third week I stuck to my guns, but the scale didn't move. Maddening! This week, however, I actively did NOT want to stick to my plans, I wanted to eat all the unhealthy things, and the scale was all over the place. Sigh! I know it all cycles back around, and I'll get enthused again.

Last year an inspiring friend of mine took part in a marathon swim across the Northumberland Strait, between New Brunswick and PEI, alongside the Confederation Bridge. The year before, for a milestone birthday, she competed in a triathalon.  She's an incredibly busy person, and I have no idea how she managed to train for these feats. I figure if she -- a mother of two, with a very demanding job -- has the time to set aside to train, then so do I!

Because of my club feet, running is not a great way for me to get exercise. I've tried in the past, and did Couch to 5K a couple years back, but after a month or two my ankles get so stiff and sore that it's hard for me to get around, let alone run. Swimming and cycling, however, I've always enjoyed. At first I thought I'd try to replicate my friend's swim to PEI, but after a bit of googling about training programs and options in Halifax, it occurred to me that perhaps it's smart to start with a smaller, but still substantial, goal. I am considering taking part in the 5k "EPIC" swim on Lake Banook this June, to give myself a training goal. The information hasn't been updated from last year, yet, but I'll keep an eye on it and keep up my cycling and weight lifting workouts in the meantime.


Exercise Goals: 30 min of interval training on a stationary bike 4-5x/week, 30 min of dumbell circuit training 3x per week. Hit 10,000 steps every day.


Last week:

Bike: M, T, Th, F  (4/5) 

Circuit: T, Sa  (2/3)

10,000 steps: T, W, Th, F, Sa, Su (6/7)


What I struggled with last week:

Eating healthy food! Last week, perhaps because of Valentine's Day, was all about me wanting CANDY. And though I made some "better" choices as to what candy I was eating, it was still more than I could "afford" in my calorie counts. All the love to my husband, who gave me a Valentine's Day pomello, instead of a box of chocolates. We're going to crack that sucker open for dessert tonight!


What I'm proud of last week:

I did ALL THE WALKING this week, blowing my 10K minimum step goal out of the water most of the days of the week. It really helped that my Kickstarter offered a couple different step goal challenges this week, which pushed me to out-do myself.


What I'm looking forward to this week:

Weighing in for my Transformer (a slam dunk) and my Kickstarter (a close one!) in a couple days, then crunching the numbers and looking at a new Kickstarter. I can DO THIS!