SO this is starting out as a school project on behavior management... i have to have change a behavior (getting more healthy) and use measurable, well defined things (pounds lost, inches lost, steps taken daily, heart rate daily, excercises done, calories out vs in) and reinforcers (both variable and fixed ratio: facebook, dietbet, wine, spa days, etc) to increase the target behavior(s). 

I'm fat. Fatter than i've ever been. 270lbs. damn near 300lbs.... that's crazy.  I weigh more right now than i did the day before giving birth to both of my kids!

It's time to get back to a "normal" weight. 

To get sexy... and healthy.

I'll never be a size 2, let's be honest.  Nor would i want to be that small... but i want to get down to 200? 180? maybe even 160? I haven't been 160lbs since i was 15 years old.

I graduated high school at 215lbs.

I'm tired of being a fat girl.

join my facebook page, Fat Atheist trying to get Fit   for words of encouragment.