I've been "trying to lose weight" off and on for 6 years.  I was successful my first go at it in 2010-11 and lost 20 lbs; however I soon became pregnant and regained all that and more.  Fast foward to 2016...I joined Dietbet in early January as a way to help me stay accountable and possibly earn a little extra cash.  I have already thrown out the notion that I will make any money nor do I really care.  Will I still join Dietbets even though I won't make much money?  Absolutely!  Why?  Because the idea of losing that money is waaaay more motivating than anything else I have ever done.  I've tried to "reward" myself with things previously, but the idea that I don't get to have my money back especially an investment as large as a transformer (I went all in at the beginning)? Very motivating.  I am also getting older and know that my body is not as forgiving as it once was.  I had to have surgery in January for some health issues and am battling with keeping my cholesterol under control without medication.  I NEED to be healthy for my young child.  Thank you Dietbet platform and community for the help and support to kick my butt into gear!